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“Adventure means risking something, and it is only when we are doing that, that we know what a splendid thing life is and how well it can be lived…the person who never risks never wins. It is far better to venture and fail than to lie on a rug like a sleepily purring cat.” A.Gerboult

Move fluidly across the expanse of ridges, stand atop the highest pinnacles and enjoy being in places that few eyes ever see – all without the technical demands required of the climber. Adventure is a word that walks hand in hand with mountaineering, allowing you to tackle previously unattainable challenges and improve your safety and awareness in the mountains. Intrigued?

Mountaineering is more than walking and less than climbing. You tend to use your hands on rock at times, but you won’t be dangling from your fingertips. Mountaineering is often a journey up a mountain via a ridge or scrambling route. You will carry a rope to secure yourself where there is a risk of falling and hurting yourself, but you’re not normally tied to the rope for the whole journey. Mountaineering allows you to move efficiently and safely over ground that is exposed and potentially serious.

Whatever your experience and aspirations, this is a great opportunity to learn about your potential in the hills and to give you the skills to enhance your safety, awareness and enjoyment - use of the rope, safeguarding yourself & your pals, escaping situations, moving together, choosing and using rock anchors, the rack (technical equipment & hardware) & how to use it, route finding, what to go for in the future, using guide books, experiential mountaineering (simply being taken up a mountaineering or scrambling route), moving on rock, scrambling, tackling ridges, pitching methods, belaying methods, and, most importantly, having a great day out.



Welsh classics £349

Crib Goch (Snowdon), Bristly Ridge (Tryfan), Cneifon Arete (Ogwyn), Clogwyn Y Person arete (Clogwyn y Ddysgul), & Sentries Ridges (Mynydd Mawr).

Lake District classics £189

Sharp Edge, Striding Edge, Cam Crag Ridge, Climber's Traverse, Napes Needle & Sphinx Ridge, Middlefell Buttress, Jake's Rake

9-13 August The Cuillin Munros, Isle of Skye £349

Sgurr nan Gillean, Am Basteir, Briach na Frithe, Sgurr a' Mhadaidh, Sgurr a' Ghreadaidh, Sgurr na Banachdich, Inaccessible Pinnacle, Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Sgurr Alasdair, Sgurr Dubh Mor, Sgurr nan Eag, Bla Bheinn & Garbh-bheinn


Lake District, Social Meet £

Saturday: 'scrambling safely & happily' workshop.
Sunday: guided experience up a classic Lake's mountaineering route.

23-27 August Highland classics £329

Curved Ridge & North Buttress (the Buachaille); Tower Ridge & Carn Mor Dearg arete (the Ben); Aonach Eagach; Forcan Ridge (Kintail); Innaccesible Pinnacle & Dubh Ridge (Cuillin), Liathach; Stac Polaidh; Eagle Ridge.

30-3 September Ben Nevis £349

The all time classic ridges of Ben Nevis: North East Buttress, Castle Ridge, Tower Ridge, the Carn Mor Dearg Arete.

The Cuillin Munros, August & September, 2011
£349, 1:4, 5 days

indoor wall climbing The Black Cuillins of the Isle of Skye are the most impressive, extensive & beautiful of mountain ranges in Britain. The ridge itself stretches 13 kilometres, with 20 peaks over 910 metres, 11 of which are designated 'Munros'. A traverse of these peaks involves 3,000 metres of ascent and gives breath taking views to the sea & the isles.

Given it's nature some prefer to experience the ridge at a more leisurely pace. This week is for us to pick our day trips to these wonderful peaks according to how we feel.

If you're interested in this please contact us for more information. If you're too excitied & just want to book that place: book now!